Kategorie: Gereinigte Butter (Ghee)

Ghee, also known as clarified butter, is celebrated for its deep moisturizing and nourishing properties. Rich in essential fatty acids and vitamins A, D, and E, ghee penetrates deeply into the skin, providing long-lasting hydration and softness. Its anti-inflammatory properties help soothe irritated skin, reduce redness, and promote healing. Additionally, ghee’s antioxidants combat signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, leaving the skin looking youthful and radiant.

Ghee has its roots in ancient India, where it has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine, cooking, and religious rituals. Derived from the Sanskrit word “ghṛta,” ghee is made by simmering butter to remove water content and milk solids, resulting in a pure, golden liquid. This process not only enhances its shelf life but also concentrates its beneficial properties.

Clarified Butter (Ghee)
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