2 Additional Trees Planted
2 Additional Trees Planted
Foster a sense of inclusivity by contributing to a greener tomorrow through the act of planting two extra trees.
Leave a lasting impact on the world by choosing the lavish and eco-friendly option of adding two trees on your behalf. Embrace a lifestyle of sustainability with a touch of opulence, as all revenue from this product go towards planting more trees.
Every purchase from this product directly contributes to vital forest replantation initiatives. NamoMonk takes no profit, ensuring that your support goes entirely towards nurturing our planet's green future.
- Every purchase from this product directly contributes to vital forest replantation initiatives. NamoMonk takes no profit, ensuring that your support goes entirely towards nurturing our planet's green future.
How it works
As part of The Mindful Earth Project, we have collaborated with visionaries like The Good API, The Eden Reforestation Project, and Veritree to maximise the impact of tree plantations in various regions of Asia, Africa and North America. These regions have been carefully selected based on research, to maximize the impact of reforestation where it’s needed most.